
Dr. Getty visits to discuss nutrition!

April 05, 2024 myBalto Season 2 Episode 14

Join us to continue our discussion on pet nutrition as we sit down with another expert in the field of nutrition!
On this episode Dr. Robert and Dr. Sam are joined by Board Certified Veterinary Nutritionist and PhD Scientist Dr. Caitlin Getty to talk more about nutrition. Dr. Getty helps to dispel some common misconceptions and myths about pet food. You don't want to miss this one! Join us and learn more about how nutrition impacts the health and wellness of your beloved furry family member!

Thanks for tuning in and as always, we take questions for upcoming podcasts at We are happy to make an entire podcast about the topic or answer the question on a shorter segment, depending on the discussion! We video this podcast as well which you can join in on at myBalto's youtube channel

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